Saturday, October 20, 2012

           These two weeks, I felt busier and much tired.There were too many new things that I had never experienced before.Today, I list a part of them below.

Having a BBQ party with lots of people: Last week, I totally had three BBQ parties with my friends, soccer team and the whole members in the department of law.We maxed out in order to make the fire burn, and then we chatted and drunk together.These activities had already improved our friendships.
TA class: Not until I first went to TA class did I know what is it.It is a class hosted by assistant lecturers and help us learn more.Although I still can not realize what is "TA" means and the class is a little boring, it is also the new experience in these two weeks.
Seminar class:  It is the new kind of lesson for me.In the past time, I had to sit under the rostrum only to learn what teachers taught me.But in seminar class, teacher and students sit together and discuss some questions equally.In this class, everyone can let their opinions be heard, and I like the new kind of learning way very much.
           Originally I want to talk something about the disgusting person under Dao-Nan bridge, but he has disappeared for two weeks.Maybe he was arrested or he finally repented his folly.No matter why he disappeared, I have to continue my trip in my freshman life in this university.See you next two weeks.


  1. Hello! I’m Sandy. Wow! You really had a substantial time two weeks ago. In addition, I also participated in one of the BBQs you had had that with the whole members in the department of law. It is really an unforgettable memory since we start our college life. What’s more, it is also the first time I went to TA class! I think it was like a public cram school that TA will teach us how to test well and how to write a perfect note. Finally, I hope that the guy you’ve mentioned in the end of your post will never appear anymore in the future!

  2. Hi, I'm Emily:) I can't agree with you more regarding the first line of your blog. After finish taking the College Entrance Exam, my famiy members all look at me with a envious face and kept talking about how free I'm gonna be in college. The truth? None of them dared saying anything like that ever since the semester started. And I'm pretty sure those who have once wished to exchange their lives with me changed their minds hahaha! Though busy as it is, it's exciting and full of fun. Wish you all the best in college, your classmate Emily Chiang.
