Tuesday, November 20, 2012

      This two weeks, it seems that everyone in chengchi university suddenly become conscientious in order to prepare for the midterm.Since I entered in this school, never did I see so many people in the library.I think that I know why upper classmen always told me that students in university only be a real student before the  midterm and the final exam.
      Two weeks ago, I experience my first exam in this school.The subject which destroy my confidence is Deutsch.Deutsch is really an elegant language, but I think it was more difficult than learning English.For example, article in English are a, an or the.But in Deutsch, article is divided by distinguishing the word is masculine neutral or feminine, and then we use der, die, das for each one.You think that it is over? Article in Deutsch is also divided by definite and indefinite article, and that was exactly different from what I described above.
      Last week, I got my test grade though I only got 55 grades.I think that learning language are happy and interesting,and learning is more important than the grads I got.


  1. I was shocked by the scene of the library, too. It was certainly due to the power of the midterm! When it comes to learning foreign languages, I also have some experience. When I was in senior high school, I had learned Spanish for two years. Similar with Deutsch, there are kinds of rules of its grammar, so it needs much time to study. It was the reason why I forgot nearly what I had learned in my Spanish class. Speaking Deutsch is very cool. Hope you will do better in the next test.

  2. I am really surprise that you take Deutsch coarse. I think there must be some spacial reason. Deutsch is difficult but I think chinese might be more difficult to learn if we are not native speaker. I take a chinese course this semester and after a few class I realize that many foreign words consist of alphabet. If you know the alphabet then you can read out the words, but chinese words is not the same. Chinese's words are more complicated. We are in the same chinese class, I believe you can understand what I am talking about. Anyway, hope you can enjoy your learning in Deutsch.
