Tuesday, December 25, 2012

       When I still try to adapt the new school and the new environment, here comes the Christmas and the new year.And it alarms me that my first semester will be over soon and it is time to preparefor the final exam.
       This two weeks, although I wandered in NCCU or walked along the street in Taipei City, I can feel the exciting atmosphere because everyone were prepared for the coming Christmas and the new year party.I was also very busy last week because there were too many activities being hold in order to make us have more time for the new year party and the final exam.Including a reunion with upperclassmen in the same department, a party with National Taiwan University and a shabu shabu reunion party with the football team. 
       There is an exciting thing happened last week, it was the end-of the-world-day on 12/21.Everyone felt excited in that day and did not feel scared at all haha~Fortunately,everything is fine when I woke up on in 12/21.I think that the divination means to make people in the world pay more attention on the environment. If we do not challenge the nature, do not cut too much forest with a view to earning more money, there is no reason that the end-of-the-world-day will come.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it seems that we had went through the threaten of the destruction of the world! In fact, before 12/21, I even bought lots of food and snack, storing them in my room. Maybe I can stand long enough to welcome the new world or the aliens’ coming. However, I eventually changed my mind on that day, I chose to sleep in the basement of the library to wait the coming of the end-of-the-word day. The serene atmosphere in my heart then might be like the Chinese idiom “壽終正寢”, I thought.
    The Decembers of each year always have many festivals, such as Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, and count down parties for New Year. What we should do are that enjoying in them and embracing the new start!
