Tuesday, December 25, 2012

       When I still try to adapt the new school and the new environment, here comes the Christmas and the new year.And it alarms me that my first semester will be over soon and it is time to preparefor the final exam.
       This two weeks, although I wandered in NCCU or walked along the street in Taipei City, I can feel the exciting atmosphere because everyone were prepared for the coming Christmas and the new year party.I was also very busy last week because there were too many activities being hold in order to make us have more time for the new year party and the final exam.Including a reunion with upperclassmen in the same department, a party with National Taiwan University and a shabu shabu reunion party with the football team. 
       There is an exciting thing happened last week, it was the end-of the-world-day on 12/21.Everyone felt excited in that day and did not feel scared at all haha~Fortunately,everything is fine when I woke up on in 12/21.I think that the divination means to make people in the world pay more attention on the environment. If we do not challenge the nature, do not cut too much forest with a view to earning more money, there is no reason that the end-of-the-world-day will come.

Monday, December 10, 2012

        Last tuesday, our department soccer team have a soccer game with department of History.Because this game originally took place for freshman, all players on the court are freshman.But it seems that soccer is not popular in NCCU, many departments did not have enough players to play a game and finally added order upper classmen.
        I shot a ball at the goal in the beginning of game, and then both of two teams could not attack each goal until the last on minute.Just at the end of the game, they quickly pass the ball to the sideline and suddenly shot  to our goal.All of us cannot believe that we let the victory disappear in only a second.
        In the overtime, a terrible tragedy happened.When I want to get one kick by my head, there is a defender stand behind of me, and we jump at the mean time.And then the man behind me push me and make me fall down on the floor.Because I use my palm to prevent my button falling down directly, my palm hurt and cannot operate normally.But I still stay on the court until the game was over, and finally we lose.
        In the night, I went to Wanfang Hospital and had a X-ray check-up.Doctor told me it seems not bad but I have to have a return check after a month.I hope everything will be fine when I have the return check tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

      This two weeks, it seems that everyone in chengchi university suddenly become conscientious in order to prepare for the midterm.Since I entered in this school, never did I see so many people in the library.I think that I know why upper classmen always told me that students in university only be a real student before the  midterm and the final exam.
      Two weeks ago, I experience my first exam in this school.The subject which destroy my confidence is Deutsch.Deutsch is really an elegant language, but I think it was more difficult than learning English.For example, article in English are a, an or the.But in Deutsch, article is divided by distinguishing the word is masculine neutral or feminine, and then we use der, die, das for each one.You think that it is over? Article in Deutsch is also divided by definite and indefinite article, and that was exactly different from what I described above.
      Last week, I got my test grade though I only got 55 grades.I think that learning language are happy and interesting,and learning is more important than the grads I got.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

          How time flies!It has already two months since I went to NCCU.There are many interesting things happened in this two weeks, including orientation camp and a grand activity called Bao-Zhong-Tea Festival.
          The orientation camp was so great that I cannot but recollecting it again and again.In the three-day camp, I belonged to the third team.Both of our team leaders are vigorous, they always have interesting topics , making us keep chatting and finally become familiar with teammates.In this three days, we played games and achieved many goals together whatever the challenges were hard or horrible.I think I will keep this experience in mind even when I graduate from this school.
          Bao-Zhong-Tea Festival is an activity that is held to make senior high students learn more about various departments in NCCU.Last saturday, every departments did their best to attract more senior high students in order to get the "most popular prize".Our department finally did not get the prize, but I think it is more important that everybody did their best and had lot's of fun.
          By the way, the midterm is coming in two weeks, I have to study harder and get a all-pass!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

           These two weeks, I felt busier and much tired.There were too many new things that I had never experienced before.Today, I list a part of them below.

Having a BBQ party with lots of people: Last week, I totally had three BBQ parties with my friends, soccer team and the whole members in the department of law.We maxed out in order to make the fire burn, and then we chatted and drunk together.These activities had already improved our friendships.
TA class: Not until I first went to TA class did I know what is it.It is a class hosted by assistant lecturers and help us learn more.Although I still can not realize what is "TA" means and the class is a little boring, it is also the new experience in these two weeks.
Seminar class:  It is the new kind of lesson for me.In the past time, I had to sit under the rostrum only to learn what teachers taught me.But in seminar class, teacher and students sit together and discuss some questions equally.In this class, everyone can let their opinions be heard, and I like the new kind of learning way very much.
           Originally I want to talk something about the disgusting person under Dao-Nan bridge, but he has disappeared for two weeks.Maybe he was arrested or he finally repented his folly.No matter why he disappeared, I have to continue my trip in my freshman life in this university.See you next two weeks.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The First Month

      It's already a month since I have entered the new university.Everything are still strange for me including the new city,the new school and the new learning attitude.And above all are what I have to adapt to in the future.
      First week,all of the freshman were forced to attend an activity called "Search Incredible Xanadu",but actually it was just a lesson which make us familiarize more about this new environment.In this activity,all members in this team built strong relationship by working together with a view to achieving some targets.Accordingly,I had made many friends from different cities and different schools,and some people even came from Macao and Malaysia.That 's very cool!!!
     After the four-day activity,the new semester started at 9/17.The most different from senior high school is that when I was in senior high school,everything were already scheduled and I just learned what they gave me.But in the university,I can choose any lessons that I am interested in.
     Everything are free in the new environment.I wish I can explore and learn more in Chengchi Universuty.